I'm not what, a gladiator anymore? Running around doing your bidding like some mindless soldier in the Olivia Pope army?

Cyrus: Liv's on it.
Abby: You're not even a little concerned?
Cyrus: Oh, I'm concerned. I'm concerned that Fitzgerald Grant's second term as President of these United States is about to be derailed because his wife won't stop eating fried chicken long enough to put on a cocktail dress. I'm concerned that our enemies are sharpening their long knives for the rapidly approaching moment when it becomes acceptable to point out that maybe, just maybe, the President's homelife has begun to affect his decision making. I am concerned that everything I have devoted far more of my soul to than has ever been right or healthy or appropriate is about to come crashing down on a 16 year old's grave. But no, I am not concerned that Olivia Pope will fail. I am never concerned that Olivia Pope will fail.

Abby: Are we really going there again?
David: Oh we never left there. You work for the Death Star.

'We'? We're not a team, Liv. You're just Olivia Pope. There is no 'And Associates.' Not anymore.

Olivia: What would Olivia Pope say?
Abby: You don't get to run. You're a gladiator. Gladiators don't run. They fight. They slay dragons. The wipe off the blood. They stitch up their wounds, and they live to fight another day. You don't get to run. How was that?
Olivia: That was good.

Leo: Do you have any advice that doesn't involve insulting me?
Abby: No.

I think the house is burning down, Liv.

David, look at me. Look at me. Something's wrong. Something bad has happened to you. Something terrible. You don't hide that from me. You don't lie about it to me. You give it to me. You let me share it. I love you. You are my heart. What happens to you happens to me.

[to Harrison] Do you even know how to use it? The safety, and the clip, and how you're not supposed to tuck it in your waistband or you could shoot off your penis?

Abby: Are you serious? You're stealing my gun.
Harrison: Borrowing it.
Abby: Harrison, you do not need to act all crazy just because everyone else here is. We are the normal ones. You and me. If we need to borrow a gun, we ask. Also, why do you need it?

Abby: Normal boyfriends do favors for their girlfriends.
David: Normal girlfriends don't dabble in aiding and abetting.

Abby: Liv,
Olivia: What?
Abby: I'm...I'm going to hug you now. Don't say anything. Don't tell me not to because I'm going to hug you and you're going to stand her and take it.

Scandal Quotes

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
