Two hundred and nineteen missing girls is just an idea; people can ignore an idea. What we need is an individual, a poster girl, someone who can get the public's attention.

It's Cyrus. If he's breathing, he's lying.

Cyrus: Red, you know I'd never tell you how to do your job.
Abby: Oh, yes. You would. Do it. Please.

Fitz: Fitz. We should at least be on a first-name basis because if I have to tell you about my sex life that officially makes you my closest friend in the world. Fitz.
Abby: Okay.

Fitz: Why are you so obsessed with my personal life?
Abby: Because your personal life is my professional life.

Abby: If you take the stand, you could end up going to jail.
Olivia: And if I get married? What in the hell do you think this is?

You didn't want to tell me because you didn't think I'd be good enough at my job to handle it. Did you?

Olivia is doing what Olivia always does, sir. She's trying to stay out of the storm. It hasn't even really begun yet, the category V. It's been building, picking up strength ever since Sally released those photos. Right now it's somewhere out in the middle of the ocean, but the moment Liv stops running, the moment she steps back into the spotlight, that cyclone makes landfall and everything in her world gets violently swept away. That kind of pressure? That kind of scrutiny? It would be unbearable. Who could live through that? What kind of woman would choose to live through that? Olivia Pope is never going to tell you that she's okay with that kind of life, Mr. President, no matter how many times you ask.

Cyrus: He's not mad at you, he's frustrated at himself. He's a baby. What do babies do when they get frustrated?
Abby: Do I have a baby, Cyrus? Has anyone come out of me?

Cyrus: You don't ask your child when their bedtime is and you don't listen to your children when they say they don't want their vegetables. You threaten them and you make them eat their vegetables.
Abby: You're a terrible father.
Cyrus: Whatever.

[to Cyrus] Dammit, are you drunk? Are you day-drinking? Because I really need some help here!

It's Liv. She's the best in the business. The President's about to get Poped.

Scandal Quotes

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
