Girl: You the teacher's aide?
Monica: No, I'm the teacher.
Boy: I saw this video on Porn Hub, and this is exactly how it starts.
Monica: Misogyny. How refreshing. If you work in a Pocohantas joke, you'll hit the trifecta.
Boy: Well, now that you mention it...
Monica: What's your name?
Boy: Trent.
Monica: Can you tell me the definition of power, Trent? Hmm? It's the ability to direct or influence another's behavior or course of events. That's what I have. I can remove you from this class and fail you, or I can send you before the Dean for violating the student code of conduct. These are all things that can alter the course of YOUR life. That's power. And you don't have any.

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Yellowstone Season 2 Episode 2: "New Beginnings"
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Yellowstone Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

[Kaycee drives over a pothole] Kaycee: Sorry. Didn't see that one coming.
John: Jesus. What are you, aimin' for them?

Keith: I did my best to straighten your incision. Looks like your vet used a bread knife. Well, it's healing. Soon you'll be free to terrorize small children at the rec center's pool.
John: Yeah.
Keith: Not a joke. I want you swimmin' twice a week. With an instructor.
John: Oh for God's sake, I know how to swim.
Keith: You don't know how to swim the rehab biz. My office will put you in touch with a rehab counselor. You know, you're in this situation because you didn't listen to your doctor. He saw a mass on your lung and told you to get a CT scan. And now you've just had major surgery for what a pill could have fixed.