Bonnie: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come on so strong; I just had a really strange night. Did you ever feel like you just woke up in someone else's life?
Adam: Are you kidding? This is Hollywood. I feel like that every single day. It was my fault. I was a little thrown when you made the first move because I'm from Nebraska, and that is not the way things work back there.

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American Woman Season 1 Episode 3: "The Party"
American Woman
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American Woman Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes, American Woman Quotes
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American Woman Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Diana: Don't worry. I'm sure people will be paying so much attention to your amazing personality and your perky tits that they won't even notice me.
Bonnie: Alright, that's enough. You two are worse than my girls. Kathleen, if you have anything that will calm you down in that armada of pills you're always carrying around with you, I suggest you take it.

I don't know why anybody lives in Malibu. It's so far away from everything and there's no place to park.
