Janitor: All right, gentlemen, either of you in the market for a van? Five hundred bucks.
Turk: The windshield cost that much.
Janitor: Oh. Eight hundred.
J.D.: No thanks.
Janitor: Come on... There's still half a deer in the back! I think that's a deer.

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J.D., Turk, The Janitor
Scrubs Season 2 Episode 16: "My Karma"
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Scrubs Season 2 Episode 16 Quotes

Jordan: I was going to tell him the truth eventually, I just wanted to see if he was going to be with me because he wanted to, not because he had to. Do you know what I mean?
J.D.: What are you talking about?
Jordan: It's his baby, stupid! Don't tell anyone

Ted: I honestly don't know what put the idea of golfing on the roof in my head!
Todd: Dude! It is so nice out here! You mind if I take it down to the banana hammock?