Kat: Your land?
Elijah: Yes, I’m Elijah Landry. Who might you be?
Kat: Katherine. Just Katherine.

Kat: So, he’s coming back.
Elijah: Yes. This is his home.
Kat: The explorer found his way home.
Elijah: How do you know that song, Katherine, the one my Jacob used to sing as a child?
Kat: I told you that I came here looking for someone. It’s my little brother, and his name was — is — Jacob. And I’ve been searching for 24 years, and I think I finally found him.
Elijah: Twenty-four years? We always knew someone would come for him. If you’re Jacob’s sister, that makes you family too.

So it’s you then. The one they all kill for.


Alice: Grandma, you don’t have to pretend that everything’s OK for me. OK? I’m old enough to know the truth.
Del: What are you talkin’ about? You’ve been acting strange all morning.
Alice: Because we’re about to lose the farm! [heads turn from every direction]
Rita: Wait. What?

A bullet once fired can’t be put back in the gun.


Mmm. This is still warm. I don’t now what you’re so upset about. It’s free food.


Alice: We haven’t made a pact.
Elliot: Sorry?
Alice: Before. You said that we made a pact not to talk about my travels anymore, but I think I would remember that conversation unless it hasn’t happened yet for me. So, I must have made some kind of pact with you in the past, which means that I keep going back. But mom says she never saw me again, so what does the pond want me to do?
Elliot: I couldn’t tell you that even if I wanted to. But if I can offer you a piece of advice, Alice? Don’t be in a hurry to jump back in.
Alice: But why?
Elliot: You can never go back to the way things were. People grow up, and everything you knew about those kids we once were is going to change.

But now for the million-dollar question. What is so important about this little kid that everyone is willing to murder nuns or kidnap young girls in order to get their hands on him?


Sam: Tasty?
Patrice: Tastier than tastes bad. The English do not know how to cook. I mean, sweet Jesus, why did anyone think a dish called Toad in the Hole would be anything but disgusting?
Sam: The wine was good.
Patrice: The wine was French.

Patrice: That man is about as much a painter as I am a milkmaid.
Sam: That’s an image.
Patrice: And what about the garage? I’d love to know why there’s not room inside for their car.
Sam: I think their little sculpture on the roof might have something to do with it.

We're all in the night country now.

Otis Heiss

I was there. And you saw something in that room. It was a ghost. Or some kind of spirit.
