What was the Worst Plot Twist of 2014?

What was the Worst Plot Twist of 2014?

Chicago Fire Season 2: Grade It!

Chicago Fire's second season had some highs and lows. It's your turn TV Fanatics, what is your grade for Chicago Fire Season 2?

Will everyone survive in the explosion?

With almost all of 51 in the building while it explodes. Will they make it out alive?

What was your favorite moment of tonight's Chicago Fire?

Chicago Fire had plenty of great moments for its last installment. Which one was your favorite?

Would you watch a Chicago medical series?

Would you watch a Chicago medical series?

Do you think Dawson will say yes to Casey?

Do you think Dawson will say yes to Casey?

Were you surprised Jones committed suicide?

Jones commits suicide and leaves a note for Dawson. Are you surprised by this development?

Is Ramsey a stalker or just misunderstood?

Ramsey tries to explain himself to Dawson, but is his explanation believable? Is he a stalker?

Is Jones going to die soon?

Jones' fate by the end of the episode feels sealed. Is Jones going to be in a situation she can't get out of soon?

Did Benny take care of Keeler?

Benny comes back to Chicago, and Severide informs him about Keeler getting out for bigger fish. Did Benny take care of Keeler?

Will Jones make it all the way?

Jones might be a candidate at 51 now, but will she make it all the way?

Is Shay's Lesbian Night a good idea for Molly's?

Shay, the new partner in Molly's, pitches the idea of a Lesbian Night for the bar. WIll it work?

Chicago Fire Quotes

If you're up for a date, tell me when to pick you up.


Stella: But what is it, exactly, that we got going on?
Kelly: [panicked stammer] It's none of my mom's business.