Say Goodbye
Artist: Norah Jones
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Say Goodbye Lyrics

When were back to good old days
When I let you miss the game
Always look of...
One feel lost I go, where I go

This song bout... and it's okay
How I need you anyway
You don't have to tell the truth
Cause it... yeah I...

Well it aint easy to stay in love
If you tear in your eyes
So I just have to take the pride
And say goodbye

... what is too late to turn right
I'm droppin balls on the blur and I'm...
Don't you miss the good all days
When I let you miss behave
Why you're looking at my...
I don't let you down to come back,
Please come back

Well it aint easy to stay in love
If you tear in your eyes
So I just have to take the pride
And say goodbye
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Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Ezra: I'd like to know more about you.
Aria: I'd like to know more about you, too.

Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close.
