Ziva and Ducky in "Jack Knife," the February 9, 2010 episode of NCIS. What will this week's investigation entail for these two?

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NCIS Season 7 Episode 15: "Jack Knife"
Ziva David, Dr. Donald 'Ducky' Mallard
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NCIS Photos, NCIS Season 7 Episode 15 Photos, Ziva David Photos, Dr. Donald 'Ducky' Mallard Photos
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NCIS Season 7 Episode 15 Quotes

Gibbs: Get Tony and Ziva out of bed.
McGee: What? Oh, you want me to get them out of bed. Because it's the middle of the night. Their individual beds.

DiNozzo: We got nothing.
Tobias: I don't like the sound of that.
DiNozzo: [way more enthusiastically] WE GOT NOTHIN'!