The Jinni wanted Lizzie to make a wish that would benefit them both.

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The CW
Legacies Season 1 Episode 10: "There's a World Where Dreams Come True"
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Legacies Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

Hope: You sure it glowed again?
Alaric: I sleep with the damn thing under my pillow. It's kind of hard to miss.

Hope: What do you think it's going to be this time? A cyclops, slender man? Santa?
Alaric: Well, given our luck, I think it's safe to rule out old St. Nick.
Hope: I don't know. I mean, Santa Claus is kind of terrifying when you think about it. Breaks into your home. Sees you when you're sleeping, not to mention judgy.
Alaric: Hope, I need you to focus.
Hope: Look, I'm trying, I just wish that Satan's night light would give us some rest.
Alaric: Yeah, and I wish that knife wasn't in our school, to begin with, but it's not like we can change that now. All we can do is make sure we're not blindsided by another monster waltzing through our doors.