Pete Wilder (Tim Daly) moves in on Addison Montgomery (Kate Walsh), who has been jonesing for him since she first set foot in L.A. But he's still getting over his deceased ex-wife, and she's got issues of her own? Built to last? Or cause myriad love woes?

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Grey's Anatomy
Ellen Pompeo
Private Practice Season 1 Episode 8: "In Which Sam Gets Taken For a Ride"
Addison Montgomery, Pete Wilder
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Private Practice Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Pete: I think we should stop kissing.
Addison: Ohh.
Pete: I mean, come on, what are we, 12?
Addison: No. We... definitely, you're not.
Pete' [leans in for another kiss, but Addison stops him]
Addison: Which is why I do not want to be just another notch in your... acupuncture table.

Addison: We... were just talking about a case...
Pete: I was... She needed a consult on the...
Dell: [points to his head] Locked. In the, uh, Dell vault. All right? Patients are here.
Addison: We're in the Dell vault.
Pete: Locked in the Dell vault.