Wynonna rides a motorcycle on Wynonna Earp Season 4 Episode 12.

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Wynonna Earp
Wynonna Earp Season 4 Episode 12: "Old Souls"
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Wynonna Earp Photos, Wynonna Earp Season 4 Episode 12 Photos
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Wynonna Earp Season 4 Episode 12 Quotes

Wynonna: The bride-to-be is vegan.
Nicole: Yes.
Wynonna: Buttercream is not vegan.
Nicole: Nope.
Wynonna: Ergo, Waverly can't eat her own wedding cake!
Nicole: Meh. What if we just didn't tell her?
Wynonna: This isn't a secret wife, Nicole. This is the matrimonial icing!

Doc: Where did you buy your wedding gown? Jeremy and I are looking to procure matching cummerbunds.
Waverly: Aw! I got it at this adorably quaint little boutique down on Hogback Road.
Wynonna: Did she say quaint or taint?