The team works together when Hotch is arrested on Criminal Minds. "The Storm" is the 22nd episode of the show's 11th season.

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Criminal Minds
Criminal Minds Season 11 Episode 22: "The Storm"
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Criminal Minds Season 11 Episode 22 Quotes

Agent Ritchie: Who's Eric Rawdon?
Hotch: He's behind this.
Agent Ritchie: Maybe he's your partner.
Hotch: If that were true, you'd have evidence.
Agent Ritchie: I do. The storage locker, your name, the supplies...
Hotch: You're grasping. And I'll tell you why. You need me here as cover for missing a major terrorist incident.
Agent Ritchie: It's a prison break.
Hotch: Not to Rawdon. His dream has always been to set off a bomb In a major metropolitan area. Not for any political or ideological reason. He just wants to see a city burn. And you're letting it happen.
Agent Ritchie: Now you're grasping.
Hotch: Am I? Ask yourself one question. Am I more helpful here, mentally preparing the report to the sub-committee that's going to haul you in? Or out there, catching Rowdon?

Rossi: Do me just one favor. Before you make any decision, meet my team. They're the only family I have outside of you and Joy. I walked away thirty years ago. I'm not walking away this time. Please. Stay.
Hayden: One one condition. That we call our daughter back, together.