Upton, Burgess, and Halstead lay low as Atwater takes the lead infiltrating a drug syndicate on Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 2.

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Chicago PD
Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 2: "Assets"
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Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 2 Quotes

Ruzek: Lawyer says it's 50/50.
Voight: Yeah, well, your lawyer doesn't have to do the time if he's wrong.
Ruzek: Well, yeah, but what happens when I'm out? My career's over, I gotta find a new job. All I've ever known is being the police, Sarge. It's who I am. It's all I got.
Voight: Then we fight it.

Darius Walker: You just don't get it, do you?
Atwater: What don't I get? Hmm?
Darius Walker: Whether I'm here or not, users and still gunna use. Only difference is they're going to be buying the product from some 19-year-old punk with too much to prove. Some badass half a gang banger willing to shoot up a city block over a Twitter dispute or a spat with some fatass girl in tight jeans. But the biggest difference between me and the person who is about to replace me is that I reinvest my profits in the community. In the people.
Atwater: You a Robin Hood for black folk, huh?
Darius Walker: No, no, Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor. Hypothetically speaking, I take from the weak and give to the strong so they can get even stronger. LEt's be honest, brother, some folks out there ain't got no chance. They're weak, uninspired, all they think about is getting high, so I sell them what they want... heroine. With that money, I invest in brothers and sisters who got game, who got smarts, who are willing to put in the time and the effort to make something of themselves. Legally. Like it or not, that's the only way black folks are going to get out of these streets. It ain't pretty, it ain't fashionable to say out loud, but it's the truth. And I know none of y'all in blue want to believe this, but Darius Walker is good for Chicago.