Now that we realize William is just a figment of David's guilty conscious, will he drive the old man insane? Is that his sole purpose? What became of the real Willy? Did he make it and will we see him this season?

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Dominion Season 2 Episode 2: "Mouth of the Damned"
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Dominion Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Alex: It's not a man, it's an 8-ball.
Julian: No, we don't use that term. Do we? You see?
Alex: What I did was acting on instinct. You have to understand that this... humans with 8-balls, it's not how it is out there.
Julian: That's what makes New Delphi unique. Angels and humans living in peace in our underground paradise.

Alex: This doesn't make any sense. The 8-balls are different, civilized. I don't know how it's possible.
Noma: Some lower angels are more evolved than others, but I've never seen them act like this before. They're so human.