Who is that new girl standing next to Louise and Black Bolt? Is she an Inhuman too and can she be trusted?

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Marvel's Inhumans
Marvel's Inhumans Season 1 Episode 5: "Something Inhuman This Way Comes..."
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Marvel's Inhumans Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Medusa: Hello Maximus.
Maximus: Medusa...great, you have Locus.
Medusa: You better not have hurt my sister.
Maximus: Crystal is...I'd never harm her. I don't want to hurt any of you.
Medusa: Is that why you sent Auran and her soldiers, why you released Mordus because we put him down too!
Black Bolt says that when he gets home, he wants to have a few words with you.
Maximus: Tell my brother...I look forward to the family reunion.

Karnak: How do I act on a plan when I feel this doubt?
Jenn: You just make the best decisions that you can. Everybody has doubts.
Karnak: I don't doubt anything that I do. At least, I didn't before I hurt my head.
Jenn: You know the people who don't feel doubt are the scariest people on this planet, right?
Karnak: Why?
Jenn: Because doubts are our friend. It makes us question things, helps us find new solutions. Only crazy fanatics don't feel doubt.