Has Fitz gone too far to help Olivia on Scandal? "A Door Marked Exit" is the tenth episode of the show's third season.

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Scandal Season 3 Episode 10: "A Door Marked Exit"
Fitzgerald "Fitz" Grant
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Scandal Season 3 Episode 10 Quotes

I get it. You just found out your mother isn't who you thought. You just got your happy memories of her taken from you. She's bad, and we don't know how bad, but that does not make your father the good guy. He is not a good guy, Liv. And Huck is about to go out there and look for him, try to save your father, try to save the man who manipulated him, who threw him in a hole until he was nearly driven out of his mind, and then stole everything that was important to him, and you say it's not my business, but Huck and I, we're in the same business, and your father? He is not our hero. He is our demon. And you're not the only one to lose your happy memories. So I speak from experience when I say maybe you cut Huck some slack.


Fitz: Here's the thing about power, Rowan. It's always hard to admit when you've lost it.
Rowan: Or to admit you've never had any at all.