It looks like Cameron and Kirsten are in the middle of a tense negotiation. But are they on the same side?

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Stitchers Season 3 Episode 4: "Mind Palace"
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Stitchers Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Camille: Okay, so just to be clear. You want me to go behind the back of, and flip a hardy bird to, my employer the National Security Agency?
Kirsten: Absolutely.
Camille: It's about damn time.

Linus: Can we talk about your yips for a moment?
Cameron: No.
Linus: I get it! You're freaked out about Kirsten.
Cameron: Not talking about it.
Linus: And you're afraid of her getting hurt and that fear has manifested itself into yips.
Cameron: Still not talking about it.
Linus: I'm just saying I agree with you. You should let Camille pilot the stitches for a while.