Can Derek be pulled back together again by Meredith? Or will depression continue to get the best of this great surgeon?

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Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy Season 5 Episode 18: "Stand By Me"
Derek Shepherd
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Grey's Anatomy Season 5 Episode 18 Quotes

Miranda: I've lost Hunt and Torres, see I sent them to get Shepherd and ... never heard from them again ... I was trying to solve the Shepherd situation for you sir, but it appears that I somehow made it three times worse.
Richard: [stares]
Miranda: So I'm telling you and my next move I believe is that I'm gonna call the police because I'm half convinced that they're all dead ... on a spit ... with an one armed man turning them into shish kabob sir ... It's my mind it just goes there.

Miranda: Do I look like a therapist?!
Richard: You asked!