Wendy and her script's writer, Cassidy, go and pitch a major studio alongside an old colleague of Wendy's, Steven Draper.

Rating: 3.7 / 5.0 (3 Votes)
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Lipstick Jungle
Lipstick Jungle Season 2 Episode 10: "Bye, Bye Baby"
Wendy Healy
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Lipstick Jungle Photos, Lipstick Jungle Season 2 Episode 10 Photos, Wendy Healy Photos
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Lipstick Jungle Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Nico: What, you're not ready to help me raise my dead husband's baby? What's the matter with you?
Kirby: Well when you put it that way

Nico: I was beginning to think you might not show up
Kirby: You got me. I was halfway to JFK then I realized I didn't have my passport. Come on, who do you think I am, Megan?

Lipstick Jungle Season 2 Episode 10 Music

  Song Artist
The Saddest Song Lucy Wainwright Roche iTunes
Song Bend your Mind Elysian Fields
Song Come Undone Juca