Simone Griffin is one of the new doctors at the hospital, and we know she doesn't have the best relationship with the place.

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Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 1: "Everything Has Changed"
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Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 1 Quotes

Amelia: Derek was a god to him.
Mer: I know.
Amelia: And Lucas was Derek's favorite nephew, and I do love him, so I hate to keep saying this, but I don't think he has what it takes.
Mer: I know you don't.
Amelia: He's a mess. He doesn't follow instructions. He has to do everything he own way. Did you hire him because he reminds you of Derek?
Mer: Not Derek. He is a mess. He does need to do things his own way. But he does have a stroke of the family genius, and he's a bit of a black sheep. You don't see it, do you?
Amelia: Is that why he drives me crazy? He's me.
Mer: Yes, he's you. He's got the spark. He's got the drive. He just needs a chance.

Jules: I think I may have already slept with an attending already.
Mika: You work fast.