There's a mysterious foe lurking in the woods in wait: Cutter is getting closer and closer to her romantic targets.

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The CW
Black Lightning
The CW
Black Lightning Season 2 Episode 9: "The Book of Rebellion: Chapter Two: Gift of the Magi"
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Black Lightning Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Tobias: Here, I’ve saved you the best seat of the house.
[Todd sits down in between two women and they touch him]
Todd: Oh... oh...
Tobias: Now, if these women aren’t to your liking, I can get you others. Or, if you prefer men?
Todd: No, no, but thank you. I actually prefer to not be touched. That would be my preference.
Tobias: Ladies, you heard the man. Go.
[The ladies get up and leave]
Tobias: This is what they call the good life, Todd. And you better get used to it because that old life doesn’t exist anymore.

Khalil: Hey.
[Jennifer cries and pulls him into a hug]
Jennifer: Thank you, God.
Khalil: Don’t cry.
Jennifer: I thought you were dead.
Khalil: Come on, Jenn. You know you can’t get rid of me that easily.
[They hug and kiss]
Jennifer: I love you.
Khalil: I love you too.
Jennifer: Don’t scare me like that, please. Don’t leave me out here.
Khalil: I got you. It’s okay.