Team Arrow starts to wake up from their nap. Were they inoculated and then gassed with the bioweapon? Let's hope so, just in case Ra's does drop the bomb on Starling City. They'll really need to be inoculated against catastrophe to help their fellow citizens!

Photo Credit:
The CW
Arrow Season 3 Episode 23: "My Name is Oliver Queen"
Dinah "Laurel" Lance/Black Canary, John Diggle, Felicity Smoak, Ray Palmer
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Arrow Photos, Arrow Season 3 Episode 23 Photos, Dinah "Laurel" Lance/Black Canary Photos, John Diggle Photos, Felicity Smoak Photos, Ray Palmer Photos
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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Arrow Season 3 Episode 23 Quotes

There is no greater birth than the one you are about to take on, the annihilation of one's home.

Ra's al Ghul

Felicity: Barry!
The Flash: Thank you, Felicity, you just outed my secret identity to a super villain. No offense.
Malcolm: None taken.