Doesn't The Flash look incredibly vulnerable standing still at the other end of the hall? He should be vibrating like he does. SOMETHING to make himself a little less of a target for the Snart duo! Eh, he'll win. He's the hero!

Photo Credit:
The CW
The Flash
The Flash Season 2 Episode 3: "Family of Rogues"
Barry Allen/Flash
Related Photos:
The Flash Photos, The Flash Season 2 Episode 3 Photos, Barry Allen/Flash Photos
Vancouver, BC, Canada
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The Flash Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Caitlin: You and your entire family are criminals. Why should we trust anything you say?
Lisa: [reveals scar] I didn't get this scar being a criminal, I got it being a daughter.

You know what they say, live fast, die young.

Captain Cold