Iggy and Martin must have worked things out for good when it appears the two are exchanging vows again.

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New Amsterdam
New Amsterdam Season 5 Episode 13: "How Can I Help?", New Amsterdam Season 5 Episode 12: "Right Place"
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New Amsterdam Photos, New Amsterdam Season 5 Episode 13 Photos, New Amsterdam Season 5 Episode 12 Photos
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New Amsterdam Season 5 Episode 13 Quotes

And from that moment, because of those words, I knew I was going to be a doctor, and, um, I share this with you now, not just so you can imagine me as an adorable little five-year-old, but because I want you to remember when that moment was for you. When you knew this was your calling because this job can wear you down even on the best days, it takes a toll on your heart. If you find yourself in a tough moment feeling like all is lost, feeling what you do doesn't matter, I want you to remember why you became a doctor in the first plate and let that moment be your north star. I never imagined I would be saying goodbye to this hospital to this incredible group of people, but I think I did what I came here to do, which is to make New Amsterdam a place of hope for those who need it most and now the time has come for new challenges.

Adult Max

Doctor: What's your name, son?
Young Max: Maximus Leonard Goodwin.
Doctor: That's a nice name. Think I can call you Max? How can I help?