Victor chats with Sir Malcolm about Evelyn. Will Malcolm realize the woman is manipulating him?

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Penny Dreadful
Penny Dreadful Season 2 Episode 8: "Memento Mori"
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Penny Dreadful Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Inspector Rusk: What did you talk about?
Sir Malcolm: I barely remember.
Inspector Rusk: I spoke to him an hour ago. You asked him about the Spitalfields murders. You were quite insistent that he stop hunting for a man, and start hunting for a beast. Why would you say that?
Sir Malcolm: I don't recall.

And now the rest of the tale. So we were cleaved apart; two brothers cast out to two realms. One brother to Earth and the other brother to Hell. And thus will be set in eternal enmity, my brother on Earth to feed on the blood of the living by night and myself in Hell to feed on the souls of the dead. Both in an eternal quest for the mother of evil.

Mr. Lyle