After Alma is tipped off that the Garden Club will make a surprise visit to her home, she persuades Bertram to help her prepare despite the police investigation of their missing neighbor next door. Heartbroken, Dee seeks comfort in Vern.

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Why Women Kill
Why Women Kill Season 2 Episode 4: "Scene of the Crime"
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Why Women Kill Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Scooter: You're still trying to get me in bed with Carlo's daughter?
Rita: If you can pretend to be interested in a fat girl, you can fake a bit of passion for a middle-aged woman.
Scooter: I never faked it with you, baby!

Bertram: That's your excuse to steal? To impress a bunch of snobs?
Alma: Bertram, if you will help me through this very trying day, I promise I will stop complaining about all those people you killed. Think about it. From this moment on, we'll be even.
Bertram: What a lovely vase.