Rio wants vengeance on Penny Dreadful: City of Angels. "Day of the Dead" is the tenth episode of the show's first season.

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Penny Dreadful: City of Angels
Penny Dreadful: City of Angels Season 1 Episode 10: "Day of the Dead"
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Penny Dreadful: City of Angels Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

We go crazy now and we are exactly what they say we are, a bunch of animals. That's not me. That is not you. Maybe the time comes when we to war against the whole fucking world. But tonight, we got something more important to do. So you come with me. We walk. We walk with dignity. We take down our brother, Diego, and we bury him. We show this city exactly who we are. Familia.

Fly Rico

Tiago: Dia de los Muertos. Day of the Dead. That's what we call it. We all go to the cemetery and toast the relatives. My father, my brother Tomas, my sister Gina, who both died before Mateo was born. We light candles, and drink, and tell stories.
Molly: In an actual cemetery?
Tiago: But it's not sad. It's more like a celebration. We reach out to the dead and tell them we love them. And maybe they reach out to us.