Rocky Carroll as Vance in the February 19, 2013 episode of NCIS, "Hereafter."

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NCIS Season 10 Episode 15: "Hereafter"
Leon Vance
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NCIS Photos, NCIS Season 10 Episode 15 Photos, Leon Vance Photos
Los Angeles, California
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NCIS Season 10 Episode 15 Quotes

Ziva: DiNozzo, pull it together.
Tony: Kids. This is way above my pay grade. I spent the afternoon in a child care clinic when I almost lost my life.
Ziva: Stop stop stop stop. We're doing the director a favor, okay? We just need to be here, we need to be normal. Can you just please do that for a few hours?
Tony: Sure. Fine.
Ziva: Fine.
Tony: Only because you asked nicely.

Vance: Do you have a suitcase packed, Jerome?
Craig: Always Leon. You know that.
Vance: Good. I'll be in touch.