It looks like Dr. Stein is up and around. That is a good thing! He must be helping in the search for his perfect match. Wonder how close they've come to narrowing down the candidate list in this photo.

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The CW
The Flash
The Flash Season 2 Episode 4: "The Fury of Firestorm"
Barry Allen/Flash, Dr. Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost, Cisco Ramon
Related Photos:
The Flash Photos, The Flash Season 2 Episode 4 Photos, Barry Allen/Flash Photos, Dr. Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost Photos, Cisco Ramon Photos
Vancouver, BC, Canada
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The Flash Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Iris: I'm sure that you've been through a great deal, and I can appreciate you feeling like this is suddenly the right time to want me in your life, but that doesn't mean that it's the right time for me.
Joe: Iris...
Iris: No, dad, it's OK. I've thought about this a lot, and it wasn't fair for me to make you the bad guy. [turns to Francine] So I want you to hear this from me. I don't hate you, Francine. I do wish you well. But we have lived separate lives for over 20 years. Let's keep it that way.

Cisco: Awwww how cute! We'll have two Professor Steins if this works!
Caitlin: It's gonna work.