Why has Agent Odell made a surprise visit to the Pierce household? Jennifer didn't like it when he dropped by the last time.

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Black Lightning
The CW
Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 3: "The Book of Occupation: Chapter Three"
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Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

Tobias: If you want to do business with me, you have to come up with a number. With a whole lot of zeros and commas behind it. On top of that, I want my freedom, territory, and I host of other considerations I’ve yet to think of.
Agent Odell: If I were you, I’d reflect on my current condition before I started turning down offers.
Tobias: I’ll take that under advisement.

Jennifer: Uh huh, you ain’t gonna creep up in here like you haven’t been out all night!
Anissa: You’re awake?
Jennifer: Of course, I’m awake. You’re gallivanting all over Freeland having fun and not checking in. You don’t even have your phone on, Anissa. How was I supposed to make sure you’re okay?
[Anissa smiles]
Jennifer: Why are you smiling?
Anissa: No, it’s just…
Jennifer: Is this funny to you?!
Anissa: No, no, it’s just … you sound just like Dad.