For everyone who was angry at Laurel for bringing Sara back from the dead, just look at this photo. Are you really, really mad? I didn't think so.

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The CW
Arrow Season 4 Episode 6: "Lost Souls"
Dinah "Laurel" Lance/Black Canary, Sara Lance/Canary
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Arrow Photos, Arrow Season 4 Episode 6 Photos, Dinah "Laurel" Lance/Black Canary Photos, Sara Lance/Canary Photos
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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Arrow Season 4 Episode 6 Quotes

Oliver: Where are you going?
Felicity: To Palmer Tech to pull out the schematics to Ray's device.
Oliver: I'll come with you.
Felicity: Why? Are you going to build the thing?
Oliver: No. There must be some other way I can help.
Felicity: There isn't.

Felicity: I tell you Ray's in trouble, and your first response is you need a shower!
Oliver: And a nap.