Halstead treats a swimmer with a heart condition while Asher searches for a lost patient on Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 10.

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Chicago Med
Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 10: "A Little Change Might Do You Some Good"
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Chicago Med Photos, Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 10 Photos
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Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 10 Quotes

Halstead: A brand new coffee machine?
Archer: Courtesy of our new pal Jack Dayton.
Halstead: I hope this courtesy extends to patient care.
Archer: Don't hold your breath.
Asher: Dean refuses to be swayed by Jack Dayton's toys and sweets.
Archer: Haven't you ever heard of Hansel and Gretel?
Halstead: You think Dayton wants to eat us?

Man, I'm seeing these 2.0 ads everywhere. Almost makes me wish I needed surgery.
