Tony heads to Paris to bring home "The Admiral's Daughter" on NCIS. This is the 23rd episode of the show's 11th season.

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NCIS Season 11 Episode 23: "The Admiral's Daughter"
Anthony (Tony) DiNozzo
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NCIS Photos, NCIS Season 11 Episode 23 Photos, Anthony (Tony) DiNozzo Photos
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NCIS Season 11 Episode 23 Quotes

Vance: If it were up to Admiral Kendall, he'd authorize Seal Team Six to exfil his daughter.
Gibbs: Well, one way to go.
Vance: I'm warming to the idea.

Tony: You know what I think? I think you're not some brain-dead little party girl. I think that all of this is an act. And I think you are some kind of spy, working for Amir and the Iranian government. Am I crazy?
Amanda: Half crazy, Tony. I am a spy. But Amir works for me, and I work for the same people you do.