To synthesize and stabilize the metahumans, the Markovians need Tobias' DNA to perfect the cure and take control.

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The CW
Black Lightning
The CW
Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 12: "The Book of Markovia: Chapter Three"
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Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 12 Quotes

Khalil: Jenn, we … we can’t be together. There is a monster inside of me.
Jennifer: Khalil…
Khalil: I’m literally poison.
[Khalil leaves]

Lynn: Yeah, well, my mistake for you having compassion.
Dr. Jace: I don’t foresee that being a problem. Actually, a prefer you on the glimmer. That obsessive need for answers; it’s not unlike how I see the world.
Lynn: I am nothing like you!
Dr. Jace: Honestly, you may be the only person I’ve ever met as smart as me. I know I’m not … easy … to work with, but I am trying to help you.