Black Lightning and Thunder are rushing through Freeland to save the day. Could this latest fight be due to a metahuman?

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The CW
Black Lightning
The CW
Black Lightning Season 2 Episode 4: "The Book of Consequences: Chapter Four: Translucent Freak"
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Black Lightning Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Deputy Chief Henderson: You forgot something, you translucent freak. You are not going to get away with this.
Tobias: Deputy Chief Henderson. “Translucent.” It’s a very interesting choice of words. It means you can see right through me. And if you can see right through me, then you know what I’m thinking.
[Henderson leaves the room frustratingly]
Deputy Chief Henderson: He orchestrated this whole thing. He killed his former lieutenant, he got rid of our DNA evidence, and he got himself arrested knowing that we would have to let him go. All while rehabilitating his reputation with one stroke.
Montez: Well, the judge would call that a theory. I need hard evidence of something ... murder, obstruction, conspiracy to commit obstruction. Without that, we’re going to have to let him walk. You have about 48 hours if that.
[She walks away from him]
Deputy Chief Henderson: As always, Ms. Montez, you’re a regular ray of sunshine.

Anissa: Aren’t we supposed to be helping people?
Jefferson: We are helping people! But unlike criminals, we have rules that we need to follow.
Anissa: Rules made by whom?
Jefferson: Rules made by me.
Anissa: Guess what, I have a different set of rules because I’m not going to watch my people get taken advantage of.
Jefferson: They are not your people, Anissa! And as long as you are under my roof, you will follow my rules!