Well this must be awkward! What are George and Lavon going to do about their rivalry over Lemon?

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The CW
Hart of Dixie
Hart of Dixie Season 4 Episode 3: "The Very Good Bagel"
George Tucker, Lemon Breeland, Lavon Hayes
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Hart of Dixie Photos, Hart of Dixie Season 4 Episode 3 Photos, George Tucker Photos, Lemon Breeland Photos, Lavon Hayes Photos
Los Angeles, California
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Hart of Dixie Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

You are not a journalist. You write a blog about a town roughly the size of Sesame Street.

Lemon [to Dash]

Zoe: I am a capable person. I can handle this, just like I handled childhood, college, medical school.
George: Exactly.
Zoe: On my own.