Lauren shares some surprising and monumental news to Floyd and it brings their history to light on New Amsterdam.

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New Amsterdam
New Amsterdam Season 5 Episode 7: "Maybe Tomorrow"
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New Amsterdam Season 5 Episode 7 Quotes

Martin: We could be living in a country that could take our children away from us. If we gotta fight that fight and you have a criminal record... we can't take our lives for granted anymore. They're our kids. We've gotta protect them with everything we have.
Iggy: You're right. I'll do it.

Karen: Do something!
Max: As in what?
Karen: Fix this.
Max: The Supreme Court made a decision.
Karen: What if I were to give you all the resources this hospital has to offer carpe blanche? What if the only words to come out of my mouth were "yes" and "how much?" How can you help?