The Darkling (Ben Barnes), Prince Vasily (George Parker), and King Pyotr (David Verrey) are at the winter fete.

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Shadow and Bone
Shadow and Bone Season 1 Episode 5: "Show Me Who You Are"
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Shadow and Bone Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Alina: I was nervous at first. But talking to Genya, I've realized what this demonstration represents. I've always felt like an outsider, especially when I first got here. But now, I finally feel like I belong. And not that I just belong here, but to something greater. That we can offer Grisha and Ravkans hope for the future.
Kirigan: That means a lot to me, Alina. You mean a lot... to everyone.

Inej: You want the new guy to grab the million-kruge package?
Kaz: The new guy knows his way around Grisha locks. Our futures depend on this.