Richard and wife Adele confer with Addison.

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Blake Lively in Vogue
Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 26: "Deterioration of the Fight or Flight Response"
Richard Webber, Addison Shepherd
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Grey's Anatomy Photos, Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 26 Photos, Richard Webber Photos, Addison Shepherd Photos
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Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 26 Quotes

CRISTINA: [after realizing patient is the one who shot Preston] "That guy shot you. Move."
NURSE: "He's a lost cause."
NURSE: "He's circling the drain."
CRISTINA: "You shouldn't get to kill yourself, you do not get off that easily. [to nurse] Push hard dose epi!"
NURSE: "Dr. Yang-"
CRISTINA: "What? I want to be able to tell his family I did everything I could to save his pathetic, miserable life. Give him three of epi. Now."

IZZIE: "You press that code button and I will hurt you. Not a lot, because we're friends. But enough so that things will break and you lie on the floor out of my way."
GEORGE: "Izzie."
IZZIE: "You have a decision to make. You can stay here and help me with this, or you can leave. What's it gonna be, George?"