Both Tyrone and Tandy have walked a mile in each other's shoes when they explored the visions. Will they share what they saw?

Photo Credit:
Cloak and Dagger
Aubrey Joseph, Olivia Holt
Cloak and Dagger Season 1 Episode 4: "Call/Response"
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Cloak and Dagger Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Tandy: My opinion and my experience: It’s dangerous to get close to anyone. But with you, I’m conclusively right. When we touch, s*** goes boom.
[Tandy starts moving forward]
Tandy: So, the first question is: How close can we get to each other without triggering our crazy?
Tyrone: And how are you gonna do that?
Tandy: Close your eyes. Don’t move. And no cheating.
[They reach for each other, hands glowing. They touch and go flying across the room]
Tyrone: That was…
Tandy: WHAT?!
Tyrone: That was… nice, at first.

Otis: Each bead has its place, part of a larger design. And you gotta pay attention because if you mess up, and you don’t notice till later, you gotta undo hours… days… even months of work. It’s no joke. It takes years to master the art of beadwork, and each year you gotta remaster it again.
Tyrone: You gotta make a new one every year?
Otis: Now every year you’re a new person, Son. So, we spend that time working on a new suit. Some give up and never finish. There’s a room over there full of failure stories; it would drive a man crazy. But not the man with patience, diligence, and grace. Control of your actions, Son. If you can’t control yourself, then you can’t control a damn thing in this world. This regalia… it helps us find that control and with it comes the strength we need.
[Tyrone search through the room and finds a black cloak]