The surgical team works on the strange case of a fisherman whose injuries can't be resolved without damaging his prized catch while Claire leads surgery for the first time on The Good Doctor Season 3 Episode 3.

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The Good Doctor
The Good Doctor Season 3 Episode 3: "Claire"
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The Good Doctor Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

Lim: I hear Dr Brown might have landed her first lap chole.
Melendez: It's not exactly a straight forward case. The duct is massively dilated, the wall's inflamed. The scarring is going to limit visibility.
Lim: Well, the thickness of the wall does pose a challenge. [To Claire] What do you think?
Melendez: It's not her decision! It's mine as the attending.

Shaun: Nausea and severe abdominal pain after eating. This patient may need a lap chole and that would be an ideal first surgery.
Claire: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.