Tobias is a man of many hidden secrets and wealth. He's keeping all of his treasured keepsakes behind steel walls.

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The CW
Black Lightning
The CW
Black Lightning Season 2 Episode 3: "The Book of Consequences: Chapter Three: Master Lowry"
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Black Lightning Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Peter: They’ve been trying to find Tobias for 30 years. Energy might not be the problem.
Jefferson: So it’s still on us? Nothing has changed.
Peter: Well, not nothing. Tobias has got Painkiller, and he’s got that A.S.A. briefcase of Proctor’s which according to your Ms. Fowdy contains hell.
Jefferson: You know, your pep talks need work.

Jennifer: Woah! You’re dating Zoe B?!
[She flashes the phone]
Jennifer: Yo, that’s crazy! You’re gonna get crushed though; she gonna love you one minute, forget you the next.
Anissa: I can’t believe you’re following my dating life on social media!
Jennifer: Okay, first of all, ain’t nobody following your dating life, okay. It just popped up. And second, what else do you expect me to do when the only freedom I have is to walk around the block for exercise?