The beginnings of the Witness's world-ending plan are revealed on 12 Monkeys. "Guardians" is the second episode of the show's third season.

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12 Monkeys
12 Monkeys Season 3 Episode 2: "Guardians"
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12 Monkeys Season 3 Episode 2 Quotes

Jennifer: Five years!! I've been here, alone, by myself for five years and your asking about Cassie? About Ramse?! What about me? What about, 'hey Jennifer, how did you survive WWI?' Hey, I'm really glad you asked because I was a prisoner of WAR!
Cole: Jennifer...
Jennifer: And YOU, Grandma Time!
Jones: 'Scuse me?
Jennifer: Check your mail? I've been sending you messages, leaving you clues? I even wrote an album...I'm Still In France...It's 1921...And my favorite, Jones, Send Help.
Jones: Why on earth did you use a stage name?

The Witness, your son is a child, a man, a word, our savior, present now yet also in the past. He's all of this simultaneously.
