Maybe Mayor Oliver Queen didn't get the message, but he probably shouldn't be out with Team Arrow when they're in the field. Word on the street is Speedy will not be staying in the suit for long, wishing instead for a normal life. In the normal life, she will run Oliver's Mayoral office!

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The CW
Arrow Season 5 Episode 1: "Legacy"
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Arrow Season 5 Episode 1 Quotes

Thea: You realize you just accused the police department of being corrupt, at the police department gala?
Oliver: I answered a question.
Thea: And you just put blame on the police department instead of taking responsibility for the city’s crimes.
Oliver: You know I’m taking responsibility.
Thea: Yes – the other guy, but as the mayor, it looks like you’re sleepwalking. Okay?

Oliver:I found the bomb.
Felicity: No, no, no. That’s no “A” bomb. That’s, one, two, three, four bombs.