Kate's accusations against Jeanette won't be won so easily. Jeanette has filed a lawsuit against Kate for defamation and slander.

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Cruel Summer
Olivia Holt
Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 4: "You Don't Hunt, You Don't Eat"
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Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Kate: Jeanette’s been preparing and building her case in secret for months.
Joy: Yeah, like a venomous snake!
Kate: She’s smart to do that. Sociopathic and no conscious or soul … but smart. Lucky for us, I’m smarter. And I don’t go hunting without arming up first. So, I am asking, how do I prepare?

Mallory: Can I confess something?
Kate: Sure.
Mallory: I used to really dislike you, like A LOT.
Kate: I don’t hear that very often.
Mallory: Yeah, I’m starting to get why.