Betty has received a mysterious letter from the killer. The town waits at the edge of their seats for an answer.

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The CW
The CW
Mädchen Amick
Riverdale Season 2 Episode 4: "Chapter Seventeen: The Town That Dreaded Sundown"
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Riverdale Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Betty: These symbols look so familiar to me. It’s like I’ve seen them before and it’s driving me crazy I can’t figure out where.
Toni: Maybe if you loosened your ponytail?
[They all stare at her dumbfounded]
Toni: What? That was a joke, guys.
Kevin: Betty’s ponytail is iconic and beyond reproach.
Betty: Kev, it’s fine. At this point, I’m willing to try anything.
[She lets down her hair]

Hermione: Nice t-shirt. Will you still be wearing it when Archie is arrested for reckless endangerment or something worse?
Veronica: Archie would never, Mom. He’s being railroaded.
Hermione: And you can say that with absolute certainty after watching that video? Maybe you can, or maybe you’re just being loyal. But let me tell you something about loyalty. There’s nothing more honorable about it, noble even, but blind loyalty...that is a stupid and dangerous thing. I pray that is not the case for you and Archie.