Has Tobias given up his search for Khalil? Chances are he won't stop until his "Painkiller" is dead and buried.

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The CW
Black Lightning
The CW
Black Lightning Season 2 Episode 10: "The Book of Rebellion: Chapter Three: Angelitos Negros"
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Black Lightning Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Khalil: Hey, do you remember that time I asked you to be my girl?
Jennifer: Yeah, how could I forget? You said that if anyone had happened to me, the thought of not being able to ask me out messed with you. Yeah, I remember. You was all shy and cute.
Khalil: Wait ... “was”?!
Jennifer: Don’t worry, you still cute now that we cut off those promoter dreads.

Jennifer: I can’t. I can’t do this. I’m sorry, but I’m not ready. I didn’t leave home to lose my virginity in a train car like this.
Khalil: Yeah.
Jennifer: I left home to keep you safe, to keep you alive. And I don’t regret that because you are alive. But, I don’t want it to be like this. We’re on the run in a train car, you know? I’m worried. I’m worried about what’s going to happen to you. I’m worried about what’s going to happen to me. I’m worried about what my family’s thinking about.
Khalil: Hey, it’s okay. I will wait.