Did the guys stay aboard Lucy? If so, why did the team choose to split up? Something is clearly off about that mysterious rig. What caused the crew to abandon it... or did they? Tune in Friday night to find out!

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Killjoys Season 1 Episode 5: "A Glitch in the System"
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Killjoys Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

D'avin: It was a recon. Simple sweep and sensor, me and my squad. There was nothing...
Hogan: Go on.
D'avin: I can't.
Hogan: You just started.
D'avin: I can't, I mean I can't remember. I don't know what it was about, or how it started.
Hogan: Then, what do you remember. What do you remember?
D'avin: I killed them, my squad.

Dutch: So, you go find the transponder sugar pants. D'avin can plant the explosives while I go look for some booty.
John: You want to say something?
D'avin: Um nope. [smiles]