The crew races to a disaster at a wave pool, and an outbreak of mercury poisoning that is leaving its victims in a zombie-like state. Meanwhile, Owen must come to terms with his illness and what the side-effects of treatment may do to his vanity. Also, Michelle follows a new lead on her missing sister while TK is unsure how to handle his budding relationship with Carlos.

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9-1-1: Lone Star
9-1-1: Lone Star Season 1 Episode 2: "Yee-Haw"
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9-1-1: Lone Star Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

T.K.: You've got a little spring in your step, there, Cap. Did you get laid or something?
Owen: Eh, I'm just feelin' a little more home in Austin. I found an organic food market. I found a vitamin shop that sells my fish oil supplements I like. If found a core-power yoga studio within walking distance. This place is like New York, but just a lot less trash on the street.

Owen: Every time I sit for one of those caricatures with a guy in the street, my hair is like enormous.
Christine: Every time? How often do you sit for one of those?
T.K.: I think you have an irrational fear of losin' your hair, Cap.
Owen: [mutters to himself] Who says it's irrational?